Under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS), each nominated vehicle must carry an interception report book and display an accreditation label. For detailed information, see the Accreditation labels, nominated vehicles and interception report books fact sheet (PDF, 326KB).
Amended label offence
Accreditation labels for mass and/or maintenance management must be placed so they can be read from the outside of the vehicle and are not wholly or partly obscured, defaced or otherwise not legible. Penalties may apply to both the operator and driver, with a penalty infringement of $324.
Interception report books
NHVAS interception report books must be carried in the nominated vehicle for mass and or maintenance management modules at all times and be presented to an authorised officer when requested.
Interception reports are completed by a police or enforcement officer who will record details of the interception, including any non-conformance, or record that compliance has been met. Where a breach is identified, the interception report must be forwarded to the NHVR.
Action must be taken by the operator to correct any faults that may have been found.
If the interception report book has not been completed by an authorised officer, the driver may complete and forward to the NHVR.
Fax: 1300 736 798
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
PO Box 492
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
What does the NHVR do with interception reports?
Interception reports are reviewed and taken into consideration with regard to maintaining an operator’s accreditation. They may also form the basis for the NHVR to request a spot check or triggered audit of the operator’s management system or sanctions being applied.
The fatigue accreditation modules do not use interception report books. Interception reports are used to monitor compliance with the schemes business rules and standards at any time.
How do I order an intercept report book?
Submit a Vehicle list/Interception report books application to order interception report books. Please ensure when ordering these books that all company details and the quantity of interception report books required are specified.
Accreditation labels
Accreditation labels must be affixed to the nominated vehicle/s and trailer/s for which they are issued. See the Accreditation labels, nominated vehicles and interception report books fact sheet for instructions on how to affix accreditation labels.
The label must be placed so that it can be read from the outside of the vehicle and is not wholly or partly obscured, defaced or otherwise not legible. Penalties apply to both the operator and driver.
The suggested position is adjacent to the driver’s side door (at eye level).
In the event that a label is lost or destroyed, the operator must provide notification using the approved form within 14 days to the NHVR, before replacements can be issued.
Note: Trailing units are not individually issued with accreditation for mass management and are therefore not supplied mass management labels.
How do I order replacement labels?
Submit a Replacement labels/accreditation certificate application to order replacement labels or the mass or maintenance labels.
The NHVR will provide operators with a letter of approval stating that the vehicle has been added to their accreditation. This letter may be carried in the vehicle and used as evidence of meeting the accreditation label requirements for a maximum of 21 days after the approval letter is issued. If after 21 days from the issue date of the approval letter your accreditation label has not been affixed to your vehicle you may be subject to enforcement action.
Note: Previous labels were supplied on a per state basis and remain valid. They will not be replaced unless lost, damaged or destroyed. State-based labels used a prefix to match the state of issue. Current labels from the NHVR use a single prefix associated to the type of vehicle that is accredited.
The 2 prefixes used are:
- Labels for powered units – Prefix letter "A" with six digits following. e.g. A000001
- Labels for trailing units – Prefix letters "AT" with six digits following. e.g. AT000001.
Note: Trailing units are not issued with individual accreditation for mass management and are therefore not supplied mass management labels.