General Access Vehicle

General Access Vehicles (GAV) don't require a permit or notice to access road networks; these vehicles have as-of-right access to the network unless signposted otherwise (e.g. a bridge tonnage restriction).

For a heavy vehicle to be considered a GAV, it must:

  1. Comply with the dimension requirements for the eligible vehicle or combination.
  2. Comply with mass limits (GML/CML) for the eligible vehicle or combination.

Vehicles and combinations with general access


Controlled Access Bus

A heavy motor vehicle built or fitted to carry more than nine adults, including the driver.

PBS vehicle Level 1

GAV - PBS Level 1 example

A vehicle approved under PBS at Level 1 (PDF, 326KB) up to 20m in length.

Prime mover

GAV - Prime Movers

A heavy motor vehicle designed to tow a semitrailer.

Prime mover semitrailer combination

General Access Vehicle - Prime mover semitrailer combinations

A prime mover towing one semitrailer up to 19m in length.

Rigid truck

General Access Vehicle - Rigid Truck

A rigid motor vehicle built mainly as a load carrying vehicle.

Rigid truck and trailer combination

General Access Vehicle - Rigid truck and trailer combinations

A rigid truck towing one trailer up to 19m in length.

The following combination is not a GAV, but is provided general access under a notice.

Short B-double combination

Short B-double

A B-double up to 19m in length (21.3m in Tasmania) can operate under general access, as long as it complies with mass limits and other relevant conditions outlined in the National Class 2 B-double Authorisation Notice 2024 (No.1).

Mass and dimension limits

The Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) Regulation defines general mass and dimension limits and the restrictions on a vehicles size and weight.

Any vehicle or combination that exceeds a general mass or dimension will have restricted access to the road network and require a notice or permit to travel. 

Dimension limits

Dimension includes:

  • width
  • length
  • height
  • rear overhang
  • forward projection.

Mass limits

To be considered a GAV, the vehicle or combination must comply with general or concessional mass requirements.

General mass requirements include:

  • those specified by the vehicle manufacturer
  • individual axles and axle groups as prescribed in the MDL Regulations
  • mass limits for individual components (vehicles and trailers)
  • the combination mass limit, including as determined by axle spacing requirements.
General Mass Limits (GML) Concessional Mass Limits (CML)

Restricted Access Vehicles (RAVs)

Restricted Access Vehicles (RAVs) are grouped under three classes of heavy vehicles and must be provided approval through a notice or permit before they can travel on a road or network.

In some cases a notice may provide an RAV general access to the road network.

Vehicle charts

You can download and print a copy of NHVR Heavy Vehicle configurations and variation charts for quick reference.

The mass and length limits shown are derived from the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation and are provided for guidance only.

If you require further assistance, please contact us.

Common vehicle configurations chart

Common Heavy Freight Vehicle Configurations chart (PDF, 972KB)

The first three sections of the chart are General Access Vehicles.

PBS vehicle chart

PBS Vehicle Configurations chart (PDF, 1.2MB)

Refer to the PBS level Column.