Disclosure log

Our disclosure log provides details of information released in response to non-personal Right To Information (RTI) requests. It contains a description of the information released and, where possible, a link to the relevant documents.

Date Application no. Topic/information released Applicant
12/04/2017 F/2034 Vehicle defect guidelines Withheld
11/01/2018 F/3866 Permit timelines Withheld
30/05/2019 F/6950 NHVR investigation report Transport Workers Union
25/01/2021 F/8482 Information in relation permits and permit conditions. Corrs Chambers Westgarth Lawyers
12/04/2021 LEG/672 NHVR investigation report Arnold Baker Lawyers
4/10/2022 LEG-111 Information in relation permits and permit conditions. Sparke Helmore Lawyers
5/03/2024 LEG-842 NHVR investigation report Meridian Lawyers
14/05/2024 LEG-962 Defect notice Turner Freeman Lawyers
15/05/2024 LEG-972 Mass adjustment work procedure Withheld
28/08/2024 LEG-1125 Heavy vehicle inspection records Withheld