Load Restraint Guide

Load Restraint Guide 2018

Load Restraint Guide 2018 (PDF, 62MB)

This guide provides best practice load restraint systems to meet loading requirements and loading performance standards. It includes technical information, detailed diagrams and worked examples to help you determine the restraint required for your heavy vehicle load.

The Load Restraint Guide describes:

  • the process to follow when loading a vehicle and designing load restraint systems for common loading scenarios
  • appropriate load restraint methods for different load types
  • the engineering principles found in load restraint systems written using plain language.

Purchase the Load Restraint Guide 2018 through Canprint Information Services in either A4 or a convenient glovebox A5 size.

The Load Restraint Guide is an information guide only. It reflects best practice load restraint systems to meet loading requirements and loading performance standards. It is not a legal document.

Load restraint for light vehicles

The National Transport Commission manages the Load Restraint Guide for Light Vehicles.

A light vehicle is any car, ute, van, truck or trailer (including a combination, e.g. a ute and trailer) that has a gross vehicle mass up to 4.5 tonnes.