Media releases

Applications for 4.2 million in heavy vehicle safety grants closing soon

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is reminding heavy vehicle industry stakeholders that the deadline to apply for Round 10 of Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI) is fast approaching.

There are less than two weeks remaining to apply for the HVSI, a game-changing grants program supporting industry-driven projects that provide tangible improvements to heavy vehicle safety and reduce the risk of road trauma across Australia.

Major NHVR operation reveals driver fatigue is still a serious concern following deadliest year on Australian roads in over a decade

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) on-road officers worked in partnership with police across Australia during the busy Christmas holiday period, identifying more than 200 fatigue-related offences, including 17 critical breaches.

NHVR Chief Operations Officer Paul Salvati said Operation Omega saw increased patrols at identified high crash risk areas, at times when the risk of fatigue is the highest.

NHVR issues urgent warning for truck drivers travelling down steep descents after several deadly crashes and dangerous near misses

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is urging heavy vehicle drivers to exercise extreme caution when travelling down steep descents, following a series of serious incidents occurring on Bulli Pass and Mount Ousley in New South Wales.

NHVR Director of Central Region Brett Patterson said Bulli Pass was the scene of two fatal crashes involving a heavy vehicle last year, tragically resulting in two lives lost and multiple serious injuries.

Governments collaborate to achieve productivity wins for industry

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) together with the South Australian state and local governments have delivered on a set of heavy vehicle productivity initiatives to support safer and more efficient heavy vehicle movements in the state.

Starting today, the NHVR will introduce three Oversize Overmass (OSOM) trial notices to replace the need for the heavy vehicle industry to apply for permits on key routes.

Reminder - Wallendbeen Bridge heavy vehicle detours

Attention: Permit holders who travel on Burley Griffin Way over Wallendbeen Bridge

Work will start this month to repair damage caused by a truck crash on the temporary road-over-rail bridge on Burley Griffin Way at Wallendbeen.

Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) has advised that repair work is planned to start on Tuesday, 28 January, and take up to six days to complete. Burley Griffin Way between Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen will be re-opened to traffic on Sunday, 2 February, weather permitting.

NHVR urges truck drivers to keep safety front of mind amid prolonged wet weather conditions and the start of the holiday season

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has issued an urgent reminder to the nation's truck drivers and operators to check their heavy vehicle fleets are up to scratch, amid predictions of above-average rainfall and increased traffic on the roads.

Being Dead is Boring: NHVR partners with young drivers to put a spooky spin on the Don’t #uck With A Truck campaign

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has launched the third phase of the Don’t #uck With A Truck campaign, teaming up with young drivers to spread a critical message; drive safely around trucks, to avoid the haunting consequences.

Heavy vehicle inspections in Western Australia connect with national enforcement database

Main Roads Western Australia’s 25 transport inspectors are now carrying real-time heavy vehicle analytics on site using the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR) Regulatory Compliance Mobility Solution (RCMS) app.

The RCMS WA app will enable Main Roads WA to target high risk offenders, access a central database with driver and vehicle information, and administer digital notices during a heavy vehicle intercept.

WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said the RCMS WA app will deliver improved road safety across the state.