The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) aims to ensure that everyone can access and understand the information on our website.
Accessibility tools
In the main header at the top of the website is a link for "Accessibility tools". Selecting this link will open the Recite Me toolbar which includes a wide range of a wide range of accessibility features such as:
- translation into more than 100 languages
- text-to-speech functionality
- reading aids
- styling options including adjustments to colour, font type, and size.
A guide to all the features you can use in the toolbar can be found in the Recite Me User Guide.
Please note: If you use any translation services (such as ReciteMe) in connection with this website, you do so at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any for any expenses, loss, damages you might incur as a result of this translated material being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason.
How to contact us for help
If you have difficulty accessing or understanding our website information for any reason, you can contact us. Choose from the following contact options.
- Complete our online contact form
- Phone our call centre: 13 64 87
- Email us at:
- Message us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter
Help for people with hearing or speaking impairment
If you have hearing or speaking impairment, you can contact the National Relay Service (NRS) for help. Choose from the following contact options.
- Phone the Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727
- Phone the Teletypewriter (TTY) number: 133 677
- Text the SMS relay number: 0423 677 767
- Visit the NRS website to ask for a chat call, or to make a chat call or captions call
- Visit the video relaying page to use Skype
How to find an interpreter in your language
If you need an interpreter in your language, you can phone the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 and have them contact the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) on 13 64 87.
When using an interpreter to contact the NHVR, the interpreter service is provided free to you.
Feedback for all website visitors
The NHVR strives to meet the principles set out in Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
Please contact us if you have any problems when using our website.