Frequently asked questions about vehicle standards.

What is the NHVR Code of Practice for the approval of heavy vehicle modifications?

The NHVR Code of Practice for the Approval of Heavy Vehicle Modifications (PDF, 506KB) is the approved standard for making and approving heavy vehicle modifications. This includes the issuance of certificates of modification and modification plates and affixing them to heavy vehicles.

Who approves modifications to heavy vehicles?

Heavy vehicle modifications done within the NHVR Code of Practice for the Approval of Heavy Vehicle Modifications (PDF, 506KB) can be approved by appropriately qualified Approved Vehicle Examiners (AVEs).

Modifications outside the Code need to be approved by the NHVR. When applying, you will need to provide details of the modification required.

Learn more about Applications

Learn more about AVEs

What is the National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual?

The National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual (NHVIM) provides authorised officers and industry with consistent criteria for heavy vehicle inspections.

The Manual details practical information about wear, damage or change to important systems regarding vehicle in-service inspections for owners, operators and administrators in each state and territory. Use of the NHVIM ensures a nationally consistent approach to improve vehicle standards compliance and help reduce vehicle downtime.

Learn more about the NHVIM

What are In-principle Support (IPS) applications used for?

An IPS is written administrative advice provided by the NHVR about whether a non-standard road vehicle is likely to be allowed to be used on a road.

An IPS may be required for the design of a non-standard road vehicle before it is built/modified, or before it is imported into Australia.

Applications for in-principle support must be made to the NHVR.

Learn more about In-principle Support applications

Can a heavy vehicle, that does not meet vehicle standards nor mass or dimension limits, be used on a closed road without a permit?

Yes, provided the road has been closed under applicable legislation of the jurisdiction concerned so that the public is no longer entitled to access the road, and the public have actually been prevented from accessing the road by appropriate means, for example a physical barrier and signs indicating that the road is closed. In such a case, the road is likely to fall outside the definition of a road under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL). This means permits are not required for that stretch of road while it is closed.

One example of this situation would be plant or construction equipment used on roads closed for maintenance. Although these vehicles may not comply with vehicle standards or mass and dimension requirements under the HVNL, no offence would be committed while they remain on the work site. However, once a vehicle leaves the site and travels on a public road, an offence is committed unless there is a permit for the vehicle.

Note: Although the HVNL would not apply on the work site, other laws such as workplace health and safety laws would still apply.