This application is for operators or owners of heavy vehicles who are seeking approval to modify a heavy vehicle where the modification is outside of the NHVR’s Code of Practice.
Before applying to the NHVR for a heavy vehicle modification
- Check the NHVR Code of Practice for the Approval of Heavy Vehicle Modifications (PDF, 506KB) (the Code) and refer to the classification of heavy vehicle modification section.
- Consider seeking advice from a vehicle modifier, an AVE or the NHVR regarding your proposed modification.
- If the modification is within the Code, you can seek approval through an Approved Vehicle Examiner (AVE) and DO NOT need to apply to the NHVR.
- Consider if the vehicle will also require an access permit.*
- DO NOT complete an Exemption permit application if you have completed a modification application.*
- Check if the registration of the vehicle will be impacted by the modification - contact your state or territory road transport authority.*
If a modification application is for:
- multiple vehicles with modifications to the same components – you only need a single application.
- multiple vehicles with modifications to different components – you will need a separate application for each vehicle.
I'm ready to apply for a heavy vehicle modification
Apply to modify a heavy vehicle through the NHVR Portal.
- An application cannot be submitted unless all sections are complete, and all relevant documents have been attached in the NHVR Portal.
- An operator or owner can register a third-party service provider on their portal account to manage this process on their behalf.
You can track the progress of an application in the NHVR portal. If we need additional information to help with our assessment, we will request this in the NHVR Portal and you will receive a notification by email. We will consider our approved guidelines, vehicle standards, and any safety issues to decide if the application can be granted.
*Please note: As a result of a vehicle modification, your vehicle may require both a vehicle standards exemption (permit) and an access permit to allow it to operate on the road network. You will be advised if these applications are required. Conditions may also be applied to the vehicle’s registration, and you should consult with your registering authority.