The NHVR provides a number of submissions on various government policies and proposals. Some of the major submissions are provided below.
National Transport Commission (NTC) - Exposure drafts of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill and Heavy Vehicle National Amendment Regulations
- NHVR submission on NTC HVNL Amendment Bill and Regulation 2024, Public Consultation Exposure Draft (October 2024) (PDF, 3.5MB) - Submission to National Transport Commission on 21 November 2024.
The NHVR has been an active participant in the review process since its commencement, including undertaking significant technical and operational analysis (which is still ongoing) as well as the contributions by senior staff to key policy discussions in working groups/steering committee meetings and preparing numerous written submissions.
Brisbane City Council (BCC) Consultation Paper - Our Productive City: Brisbane’s Industrial Future
- NHVR submission on BCC consultation paper - Our Productive City: Brisbane’s Industrial Future (PDF, 441KB) - Submission to Brisbane City Council on 23 August 2021.
The NHVR’s submission aligns with the objectives, goals and actions of the Heavy Vehicle Productivity Plan 2020-2025, which was informed by feedback we have received through our constant engagement with road managers and industry.
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Consultation Paper - Land Transport of Horses
- NHVR's submission to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on the Land Transport of Horses (PDF, 296KB) - Submission to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 21 April 2021.
The NHVR’s submission draws on information and feedback received through during the Livestock Supply Chain Review in 2020.
National Transport Commission Heavy Vehicle National Law Review Consultation Regulation Impact Statement
- NHVR’s Submission on the National Transport Commission Heavy Vehicle National Law Review Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (PDF, 910KB) - Submission to National Transport Commission on 29 January 2021.
The NHVR’s submission focuses on how we can future-proof the HVNL and create a modern and flexible law for the benefit of the whole industry.
Australian Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Road Safety - Reduce Australia’s road accident rates, trauma and deaths on our roads
- NHVR's submission to the Australian Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Road Safety - Submission to Joint Select Committee on Road Safety on 11 February 2020.
The NHVR has provided this submission to the Joint Select Committee on Road Safety’s inquiry. This submission provides eight recommendations in response to the Committee’s Terms of Reference, which are relevant to the NHVR.
NSW Parliament Inquiry Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety - Reducing trauma on local roads in NSW
- NHVR's submission to the NSW Parliament inquiry into Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety - Submission to Joint Select Committee on Road Safety on 6 February 2020.
The NHVR’s submission outlines the collaboration required with state and local road managers to increase adoption of safer and more productive vehicles, such as Performance Based Standards (PBS) vehicles.
Productivity Commission - National Transport Regulatory Reform
- NHVR's submission to the Productivity Commission's draft paper on National Transport Regulatory Reform - Submission to Productivity Commission on 20 January 2020.
The NHVR has responded to the Productivity Commission’s draft paper on National Transport Regulatory Reform.
The NHVR submission supports the relevant Productivity Commissions’ recommendations, which if implemented will deliver significant reform benefits for decades to come.
HVNL Review - Effective Enforcement Issues Paper
- NHVR's submission to the Effective Enforcement Issues Paper (PDF, 266KB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission (NTC) on 19 November 2019.
The NHVR responded to the final Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Review Issues Paper on Effective Enforcement.
The NHVR’s submission identifies a range of HVNL and policy changes that if implemented would help ensure effective heavy vehicle enforcement, investigations and prosecutions. This would deliver a more efficient and effective compliance function and improved safety outcomes, including through targeted enforcement.
HVNL Review - Assurance Models Issues Paper
- NHVR's submission to the Assurance Models Issues Paper (PDF, 287KB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission (NTC) on 20 November 2019.
The NHVR responded to the sixth Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Review Issues Paper on Assurance Models.
The NHVR believes appropriate and robust assurance is vital to ensure community trust and confidence in the regulation of the heavy vehicle industry. The NHVR has identified a number of opportunities that if implemented would support a future heavy vehicle accreditation framework designed to improve safety outcomes and reduce the regulatory burden on industry.
Commonwealth Senate Inquiry - Importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry
- NHVR submission on the importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry (PDF, 290KB) - Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport on 7 November 2019.
The NHVR has provided a submission into the Commonwealth Government’s Senate Inquiry into the importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry. While a number of the terms of reference are outside the NHVR’s mandate, the submission focuses on the relevant terms of reference through the lens of NHVR reform priorities.
HVNL Review - Vehicle Standards and Safety Issues Paper
- NHVR's submission to the Vehicle Standards and Safety Issues Paper (PDF, 4.9MB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission (NTC) on 26 September 2019.
The NHVR responded to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Review Issues Paper on Vehicle Standards and Safety.
The NHVR has identified a number of key areas in our submission, with a particular focus on the themes:
- Better matching vehicle standards requirements to the operational reality on the road.
- Ensuring national and local policy settings better support the uptake and adoption of safer and more productive vehicles, rather than discourage them.
HVNL Review - Safe People and Practices Issues Paper
- NHVR’s submission to the Safe People and Practices Issues Paper (PDF, 527KB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission (NTC) on 6 September 2019.
The NHVR has responded to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Review Issues Paper Safe People and Practices.
The NHVR believes that many of these improvements are an obligation, not a choice, to deliver a stronger and more flexible platform to improve industry safety and productivity. As outlined in this submission, efficiencies will be delivered by moving to a modern risk-based safety management regime that enables the NHVR to work with all heavy vehicle users to improve safety outcomes.
HVNL Review - Easy Access to Suitable Routes
- NHVR's submission to the NTC Easy Access to Suitable Routes Paper - HVNL review (PDF, 982KB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission (NTC) on 26 August 2019.
The NHVR has responded to the third Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Review Issues Paper on Easy Access to Suitable Routes.
Over the past five years, the NHVR has undertaken a range of significant reforms to the process for heavy vehicle operators to obtain access, including new systems such as the NHVR Portal, education and training for road managers on their role, as well as a major focus on national notices and pre-approvals to deliver easier access to the most suitable routes.
The NHVR believes that we can have safe, efficient and productive heavy vehicle movements supporting a strong and prosperous Australia achieved through developing collective awareness of heavy vehicle impacts on infrastructure; understanding of the infrastructure capacity to handle the movements; and well-formed understanding of the demand for movements.
HVNL Review - Effective Fatigue Management
- NHVR's submission to the Effective Fatigue Management Issues Paper (PDF, 7034KB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission (NTC) on 16 August 2019.
The NHVR has responded to the critically important Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Review Issues Paper on Effective Fatigue Management.
The NHVR is uniquely positioned to understand the challenges created by the existing law as well the law’s impact on heavy vehicle users and the safety and efficiency of the broader transport task. Through the Australian Fatigue Safety Forum and subsequent meetings and workshops, the NHVR has been working with key industry representatives to develop key strategies to improve fatigue safety performance across Australia.
National Transport Regulatory Reform
- Productivity Commission's Issues Paper on National Transport Regulatory Reform (PDF, 944KB) – Submission to the Productivity Commission on 28 June 2019.
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) welcomes the Productivity Commission review as a key opportunity to critically evaluate the performance of national reform to date and to identify opportunities to unlock further necessary reforms for the national transport task.
Since the review was announced in May 2019, the NHVR has worked extensively with the Productivity Commission to provide a detailed and thorough understanding of the operations of the NHVR, while also identifying key challenges and opportunities.
HVNL Review - Risk Based Regulation
- NHVR submission to the NTC Risk Based Regulation Issues Paper (PDF, 482KB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission on 31 May 2019.
The NHVR has identified a number of key principles and priorities to guide its involvement in the review process, noting the broad alignment with the priority areas in the NTC’s issues paper.
Improvements in key areas are an obligation, not a choice to deliver a stronger and more flexible platform to improve industry safety and productivity. As outlined in the paper, efficiencies will be delivered by moving from a prescriptive approach which has high costs to an assurance and risk-based approach.
Developing technology neutral road rules for driver distraction
- NHVR submission Developing technology neutral road rules for driver distraction (PDF, 6.9MB) - Submission to the National Transport Commission on 13 February 2019.
In May 2018, the Transport and Infrastructure Council directed the National Transport Commission (NTC) to review the Australian Road Rules that regulate driver distraction to determine whether they sufficiently address the key factors that cause driver distraction. Following a workshop in November 2018, the NTC developed an issues paper to summarise the current understanding of the factors that may cause driver distraction, the behaviours induced by those factors and their potential impacts on road safety.
The NHVR submission provides our response to the questions outlined within the NTC's issue paper Developing technology neutral road rules for driver distraction.
Queensland Freight Strategy
- NHVR submission on Queensland Freight Strategy (PDF, 742KB) - Submission to the Qld Department of Transport and Main Roads on 17 December 2018.
The NHVR supports the development of the draft Queensland Freight Strategy, which focuses on advancing freight, supporting economic growth and managing economic change in Queensland by guiding policy, planning and investment decision making over the next ten years.
The NHVR submission is unique in the sense that we are an industry regulator providing our view of how we see the ‘future state’ of heavy vehicle regulation and its impact on freight movements.
Inquiry into Transport Technology
- NHVR submission on Inquiry into Transport Technology (PDF, 729KB) - Submission to Queensland Parliament Transport and Public Works Committee on 9 October 2018.
Technology and data collection is a critical part of delivering improved road freight outcomes and the NHVR has placed significant priority on positioning itself to adopt and adapt to new technologies alongside the heavy vehicle industry.
The NHVR’s submission to the inquiry considers the challenges and opportunities in relation to technology and the heavy vehicle sector and focuses on the importance of partnering with industry and jurisdictions on the collection and sharing of data to achieve better regulatory outcomes.
NSW Draft Freight and Ports Plan
- NHVR submission on NSW Draft Freight and Ports Plan (PDF, 638KB) - Submission to Transport NSW on 29 March 2018.
The NHVR supports the development of the NSW Draft Freight and Ports Plan, which builds on a number of successful projects delivered as part of the 2013 NSW Freight and Ports Strategy.
The NHVR submission is unique in the sense that we are an industry regulator providing our view of how we see the 'future state' of heavy vehicle regulation and its impact on freight movements. The link between transport infrastructure and land-use planning is critical.