An Electronic Work Diary (EWD) is an electronic device or system approved by the NHVR to monitor and record the work and rest times and can be used by drivers as an alternative to making records in a written work diary.
On this page
Using an EWD
Drivers, transport operators, record keepers and authorised officers have the same obligations using EWDs as they do for the written work diary. However, EWDs can automate many of these functions, making day-to-day operations faster and easier.
Transport operators adopting EWDs have options to:
- develop their own EWD
- buy an off-the-shelf EWD
- buy an EWD that can be integrated with other regulatory systems (e.g. intelligent access program).
If an EWD meets the performance requirements specified in the EWD Standards, it can be approved for operation along with the conditions of approval and use.
Drivers and transport operators need to receive appropriate training on the use of their EWD. Drivers will identify and authenticate themselves and declare their periods of work and rest through a user interface. This information is automatically sent to the record keeper.
At all times, EWD approval holders, record keepers and drivers must ensure that EWDs function in accordance with the standards and conditions set by the NHVR.
Information collected by an EWD can be provided to:
- the driver, to check that the recorded information is correct
- the driver’s record keeper, to fulfil the record-keeping obligations
- an authorised officer during an intercept, to allow the officer to confirm that the driver is complying with work and rest limits.
EWD register
The following companies have been approved to provide Electronic Work Diaries. Please note the conditions of use for each of their systems in their Certificate of Approval.
- EWD name: Bustle Fatigue Module
- Approval holder: Bustle Technology
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 0417 051 124
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: BUBU-2024-002 (12 June 2024)
- Initial date of approval: 28 March 2022
- EWD Certificate of Approval Bustle (PDF, 401KB)
- EWD name: Drivalink
- Approval holder: Drivalink Pty Ltd
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (02) 7251 0445
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: DLDL-2023-001 (17 May 2023)
- Initial date of approval: 17 May 2023
- EWD Certificate of Approval Drivalink (PDF, 348KB)
- EWD name: Hubfleet
- Approval holder: Hubfleet trading as Hubfleet
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (02) 7908 4053
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: HUHU-2025-003 (17 January 2025)
- Initial date of approval: 15 December 2022
- EWD Certificate of Approval Hubfleet (PDF, 308KB)
- EWD name: TripAssist
- Approval holder: Intellisoft Pty Ltd
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 08 6183 6607
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: ISTA-2023-001 (10 November 2023)
- Initial date of approval: 10 November 2023
- EWD Certificate of Approval Intellisoft (PDF, 340KB)
- EWD name: Q by Quallogi
- Approval holder: Autolync Pty Ltd trading as Kynection
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 03 9784 9494
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: KYQU-2025-002 (15 January 2025)
- Initial date of approval: 27 October 2021
- EWD Certificate of Approval Kynection (PDF, 444KB)
Logmaster Australia
- EWD name: Logmaster Australia
- Approval holder: Logmaster Pty Ltd trading as Logmaster Australia
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (02) 7228 6269
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: LOLO-2025-007 (10 January 2025)
- Initial date of approval: 29 July 2022
- EWD Certificate of Approval Logmaster Australia (PDF, 358KB)
- EWD name: Talon and Swift
- Approval holder: Mobile Tracking and Data Pty Ltd trading as MTData
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 1300 683 282
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: MTDA-2024-002 (1 May 2024)
- Initial date of approval: 24 December 2020
- EWD Certificate of Approval MTData (PDF, 347KB)
Netcorp EWD
- EWD name: Netcorp EWD
- Approval holder: Netcorp GPS Pty Ltd
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 1300 722 127
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: NETC-2024-001 (17 December 2024)
- Initial date of approval: 17 December 2024
- EWD Certificate of Netcorp EWD (PDF, 209KB)
Netstar Australia
- EWD name: Netstar Australia EWD
- Approval holder: Netstar Australia Pty Ltd trading as Netstar Australia
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 1300 728 882
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: NENE-2021-001 (29 July 2022)
- Initial date of approval: 11 January 2021
- EWD Certificate of Approval Netstar Australia (PDF, 338KB)
- EWD name: Safee
- Approval holder: Safee Pty Ltd trading as Safee
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 0478 900 144
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: SASA‒2022‒001 (5 September 2022)
- Initial date of approval: 5 September 2022
- EWD Certificate of Approval Safee (PDF, 344KB)
Step Global
- EWD name: Smart eDriver 2.0
- Approval holder: Step Global Pty Ltd trading as Step Global
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 03 9551 7334
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: SGSE-2022-001 (18 August 2022)
- Initial date of approval: 1 December 2020
- EWD Certificate of Approval Step Global v3 (PDF, 340KB)
Teletrac Navman
- EWD name: Sentinel
- Approval holder: Navman Wireless Australia Pty Ltd trading as Teletrac Navman
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 1300 111 477
- Current Certificate of Approval Number: TNSE-2024-002 (7 May 2024)
- Initial date of approval: 15 December 2022
- EWD Certificate of Approval Teletrac Navman (PDF, 326KB)
EWD provider application
Note: Drivers and transport operators do not need to apply to use an EWD that’s already been approved by the NHVR. Only technology providers developing an EWD must complete the application process.
Before you apply
Technology providers and transport operators interested in developing an EWD are encouraged to engage with the NHVR before lodging an application by emailing
Apply for approval
Please complete the Electronic Work Diary (EWD) Application Form (PDF, 331KB) and return it to the NHVR. Ensure that the application is completed in full and all required supporting documentation listed on the application is provided.
You will require a number of additional resources prior to submitting your application. To obtain your copy of this information please request an Application Toolkit by emailing
Decision review
If your EWD application is refused you can request an internal review of the decision.