The NHVR invites and welcomes feedback and commentary on all registered codes of practice.
- Public consultation is a critical phase in the development of a new code of practice.
- Industry feedback and commentary is also essential when a code undergoes a scheduled review to allow its registration to continue.
It’s also important to keep registered codes up to date, so you may contact NHVR at any time to comment on a registered code. This feedback will normally be actioned during a code’s scheduled review, but in the case of a serious safety issue, a code may be reviewed and amended sooner than its set review date.
Provide feedback using Schedule 5: Request to review Code of Practice (DOCX, 122KB) and email it to
Code Development Group
If you have an interest in a code of practice that is currently under development or review, and would like to be part of a Code Development Group, please contact the Codes of Practice Team via