The Active Vehicle Module (AVM) search can now be found in the NHVR Portal.
The AVM search allows you to check in real time if a vehicle is currently nominated in the Mass and/or Maintenance modules of the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS). It does not provide any details about the registered owner of the vehicle and will only return a result if the vehicle is currently nominated as "Active".
By using this service you agree to the following Terms of Use.
AVM - Terms of Use
By using the AVM search tool, you accept all of its terms (including these Terms of Use and the NHVR Privacy Policy).
By using the AVM search tool you agree to comply with these Terms of Use.
We reserve the right to update or amend these Terms of Use at any time. You should check these Terms of Use from time to time to make sure you are aware of any changes.
In these Terms of Use:
- A reference to the 'AVM search' means the Active Vehicle Module search tool.
- A reference to the 'HVNL' means the Heavy Vehicle National Law.
- A reference to a 'responsible person' means that term as defined in Section 5 HVNL.
- A reference to 'NHVR', 'we', 'us' or 'our' means the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator ABN 48 557 596 718.
- A reference to a 'vehicle' includes a trailer.
Function of AVM search
We have established the AVM search so that you may find out, for your permitted purposes, whether or not a particular vehicle or trailer is currently nominated in the Mass Management and/or Maintenance Management Accreditation module(s).
We use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information available on the AVM search is accurate and up-to-date, however we cannot guarantee, warrant or make representations regarding the accuracy, currency, reliability, suitability or completeness of the information provided by the AVM search, and we accept no responsibility for errors in the content at any time.
We provide the information to you for your Permitted Uses only and do not warrant that the information is suitable for use in legal proceedings.
We do not make any guarantees or representations about the roadworthiness, safety, fittings, compliance, fitness for purpose, or any other characteristic of a vehicle that is nominated in a relevant accreditation module.
We do not guarantee that use of the AVM search will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the AVM search will be free from errors, viruses, worms or other harmful codes.
Permitted uses
Information on the AVM search is made available to you, your employers, employees and contracting parties, for the purpose of verifying the accreditation nomination of a vehicle for which you are a responsible person, or in respect of which you are authorised under the HVNL to conduct auditing, enforcement or compliance activities.
You are not permitted to use the information on the AVM search for any other purpose.
In particular, you are not permitted to copy, compile, publish or display information from the AVM search for profit or reward and you are not permitted to provide information from the AVM search to any other person for profit or reward.
To the extent permitted by law, NHVR does not provide any warranty in relation to your use of the AVM search or as to the accuracy, currency, reliability, suitability or completeness of the information contained in the AVM search.
You accept sole responsibility and all risk for using and relying on the information available from the AVM search.
To the extent permitted by law, all liability is excluded for any loss (including indirect loss), damages or injury resulting from your access to (or inability to access) or use of the AVM search, or as a consequence of any content or information obtained from or through the AVM search.
We do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence), which you may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with your use of the AVM search, nor do we accept any responsibility for any such loss or damage arising out of your use of or reliance on information contained on or accessed through the AVM search.
Termination or suspension of AVM search
NHVR has the right to terminate or suspend the operation of the AVM search (including in part) for any reason without notice and without liability. We may (without limitation) suspend access to the AVM search to conduct maintenance or implement updates.
Any information collected by us through your use of the AVM search will be dealt with in accordance with our NHVR Privacy Policy. It may be disclosed to third parties as required by law.
Governing law
These Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in Queensland, Australia, and you unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland, Australia.