B-doubles are a class 2 heavy vehicle that consist of a prime mover towing two semitrailers, with the first semitrailer being attached directly to the prime mover by a fifth wheel coupling and the second semitrailer being mounted on the rear of the first semitrailer by a fifth wheel coupling on the first semitrailer. A B-double must comply with prescribed mass and dimension requirements.
Controlled Access Buses
A bus, other than an articulated bus, that is longer than 12.5m but less than 14.5m, that complies with prescribed mass and dimension requirements is a class 2 heavy vehicle. These vehicles are also known as a Controlled Access Bus.
Livestock vehicles
A livestock vehicle is a heavy vehicle, or a combination, that is higher than 4.3m and is built to carry cattle, sheep, pigs or horses.
Performance Based Standards (PBS) vehicles
Performance Based Standards (PBS) vehicles are defined as class 2 heavy vehicles. There are four levels within the PBS Scheme, and these vehicles must meet safety and infrastructure standards and are designed to offer higher levels of safety and productivity. PBS vehicles are able to operate on road networks that have been classified as suitable for their level of performance.
Road trains
Road trains are a class 2 heavy vehicle, other than a B-double, that consist of a motor vehicle towing two or more trailers (excluding converter dollies supporting a trailer). PBS vehicles that meet this definition (including PBS A-doubles) are also classified as road trains. Road trains must comply with prescribed mass and dimension requirements.
B-triples are a type of road train that consist of a prime mover towing three semitrailers. B-triples sometimes have dedicated networks that are different to general road train networks.
- Road train speed limits - Provides information on road train speed limit restrictions applied via legislation, gazettal notice, network maps, and access permits.
- Road train trailer requirements - Highlights operation of road train vehicle and trailer components, such as brakes, tow couplings and drawbars. Outlines road train trailer requirements and provides references to where more detailed information may be found.
Vehicle carriers
A vehicle carrier is a combination designed and built to carry vehicles on more than one deck that together with its load is longer than 19m or higher than 4.3m.