The NHVAS imposes strict timeframes on scheme members in relation to lodgement of audits and applications to maintain accreditation.
Adherence to these timeframes is a requirement of ongoing accreditation. If an operator is unable to meet the specified timeframes, the NHVR may (at its discretion) grant provisional extensions under extenuating circumstances. However, operators who do not qualify for such extensions may have their accreditation suspended or cancelled.
If an operator fails to meet scheme requirements, the NHVR may take one of the following actions.
If suspended, an operator is not eligible to receive the regulatory and concessional benefits of scheme membership. This means that during the suspension period, loads will revert to the general regulatory limits for the Mass Management module and vehicles previously exempt under the Maintenance Management module may require a certificate of inspection from their relevant jurisdictional road authority before they are permitted to be used on the road.
Note: While the matter that triggered the suspension is being addressed, operators may still display the NHVAS labels.
If cancelled, an operator is no longer eligible for the regulatory and concessional benefits of being in the scheme. All labels must be removed from the vehicle and destroyed immediately.
If cancelled from the Mass Management module, all vehicles must comply with general mass limits and are no longer eligible to carry concessional or higher mass limits.
If cancelled from the Maintenance Management module, you must ensure you meet your state or territory road transport authority’s vehicle inspection or Certificate of Inspection requirements before you can use any of the vehicles on a road. All labels must be removed from the vehicle and destroyed immediately.