New Customer Portal saving time


Almost 300 national heavy vehicle permit applications a week are being delivered by the NHVR’s new digital platform, just five weeks after going live.

AccessCONNECT Executive Director David Carlisle said the staged rollout of the system was proving successful, delivering almost half of all permit applications processed by the NHVR.

“Online form validation alone has saved industry 729 days and improved productivity by ensuring an application is completed correctly before it is submitted,” Mr Carlisle said.

“With all the additional tools the Portal provides, customers can find themselves saving a day or more per permit by going online to submit their application.

“More than 1400 businesses are using the system, so we are looking to bring additional customers on board, to deliver further productivity benefits to industry.”

Mr Carlisle said customers emailing or uploading hard copy forms had until September 30 to switch across to using the digital portal. Permit applications by mail and fax will continue to be accepted, to assist those with intermittent or poor internet services.

“We’ve consulted a number of peak bodies across the heavy vehicle industry that have provided valuable feedback on behalf of their members,” he said.

“We’re reviewing the feedback daily and making adjustments to ensure the Portal works well.”

Use of the Portal has more than halved the number of applications which are delayed due to missing or incorrect information.

Development is also well underway on a Portal and supporting tools to assist local and state road managers with their permitting tasks. The Customer and Road Manager Portals were developed to deliver national consistency for permit applications, improve processing transparency and reduced time and effort for operators.

The NHVR processed more than 22,000 permit applications in 2015-16.


Customer Feedback

Feedback from customers in the early release of the NHVR’s new Customer Portal has been very positive.  A few of our participants have provided testimonials on their experience:

"It is a great Portal, easy to use and tracking of the cases are great. Happy to keep using it!" 

Brian Martin  - Vivaenergy Australia

The whole system is a great improvement from what it used to have. It is good to have one point of contact instead of going to different states.

Greg Davidson - RJ & JM Cavanagh

It supports our business capabilities by enabling an automated and streamlined lodgement approach. It also provides a track and trace system for the permit application process as well as a ready-reckoner for historical permits or permit renewals.

Julie Russell - Russell Transport

The portal is a great improvement for processing applications. It is very intuitive and easy to use.

Anthony Hopton - McCulloch Bulk Haulage

It has been positive experience to use the Customer Portal and I recommend to other customers.

Andrew Alexopoulos - Radiant Alliance Australia