LGA SA and NHVR to collaborate on implementation of National Heavy Vehicle Law


NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said this agreement with the Local Government Association of South Australia included an action plan that would deliver specific outcomes for the heavy vehicle industry.

“More than 150 million tonnes of freight is moved by road annually in South Australia and it’s important that it’s done safely and productively,” Mr Petroccitto said.

“I’m pleased to be working with the LGA SA and the 68 member councils across the state to improve the permit system and information available at the local level and make sure the heavy vehicle industry is meeting their expectations.”

The work program which makes up the action plan will include information sessions, training in the NHVR’s new Road Manager portal, assistance for local road managers during the transition of Class 1 and Class 3 permit applications and further route assessment training.

LGA SA Executive Director of Public Affairs Lisa Teburea said the agreement would help streamline heavy vehicle access to 15,000km of sealed and 60,000km of unsealed local roads under local government control.

“Many roads within the local government network serve as vital ‘first and last mile’ linkages to strategic freight routes across the State,” she said.

“By continuing to work closely together freight and logistics system performance, safety and productivity can all be improved and that will deliver greater economic outcomes for the South Australian and national economy.”

The NHVR also has a Memorandum of Agreement with the Local Government Association of Queensland to boost safety and productivity with the 77 councils across Queensland.



NHVR – Andrew Berkman | 0429 128 637

LGA SA – Darren Hunter | 0476 853 689