Have your say on new personal use fatigue exemption


The NHVR has started consultation on a user-friendly exemption for managing fatigue and driving a fatigue-related heavy vehicle for personal use.

NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto told today’s NatRoad Conference in North Queensland that the Personal Use Exemption would allow operators some personal use of a heavy vehicle outside their regulated driving hours.

“Under the proposal operators would be able to use a heavy vehicle for personal use for up to one hour at the end of the day or on a day off,” Mr Petroccitto said.

“Currently a personal use exemption of up to one hour during a driver’s day off exists in NSW.

“We continue to work closely with the heavy vehicle industry to provide flexibility around fatigue while still maintaining the highest safety standards.”

The exemption is expected to be used for personal or non-revenue activities, such as reaching suitable sleeping accommodation and restocking supplies for a trip.

All operators should note that current fatigue laws apply during the consultation process.

The beginning of the one-month consultation period for the Personal Use Exemption is part of the NHVR’s Focus on Fatigue over the coming month.

“The correct management of work and rest times through a Work Diary is the best way to predict and assess a driver’s potential level of fatigue impairment,” Mr Petroccitto said.

“There will also be a number of coordinated compliance operations taking place across the country in the coming weeks with a specific target on driver fatigue and work and rest hour compliance.”

For more information or to leave a submission on the Personal Use Exemption visit www.nhvr.gov.au/safety-accreditation-compliance/fatigue-management/personal-use-of-a-fatigue-regulated-heavy-vehicle