Minor regulation amendments for bus and road train mass

Road train

Some minor regulation changes for three-axle bus mass limits and steer axle mass limits for road trains will begin today.

Three-axle bus limits will increase from 20 tonnes to 22 tonne, reflecting increasing average weight of passengers. Previously buses were able to operate in some states at 22 tonne under permit.

The steer axle limit for road trains will increase from 6.7 tonnes to 7.1 tonnes (for tyre widths of at least 375mm). This reflects the increases in modern road trains’ tare weight.

Minor changes are also underway to some vehicle standards regulations, including simplified long vehicle or road train warning sign requirements (see VSG19) and updated labelling requirements of electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles (see VSG 27). 

Complete information about the changes made to the Vehicle Standards is available in VSG2. A full list of Vehicle Standard Guides is available at www.nhvr.gov.au/vsg

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