NHVR encourages heavy vehicle industry to get involved

NTC Consultation


The NHVR has welcomed the release of a consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) of the review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said that considerable work has gone into the development of the consultation RIS during an extensive consultation period.

“Since its introduction in 2014, the HVNL has raised numerous issues for the industry and the regulator and time is right for a new approach,” Sal said.

“Ensuring that the new law is modern, flexible and fit for purpose is essential to supporting the NHVR in becoming a risk-based, intelligence-led regulator.

The heavy vehicle industry had consistently raised concerns with the current law, including being outdated and not reflective of investment in technology or improved safety measures.

“The time is now here for all to review the consultation RIS and provide feedback in to the NTC to shape the new law,” Sal said.

Consultation on the RIS is open until 25 October 2020.

View the updated legislation at https://www.ntc.gov.au/transport-reform/ntc-projects/hvnl-review

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