NHVR team takes out Australian Business Award


The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has recently been recognised for our innovation on the national stage with the NHVR Solutions team winning the Digital Transformation category in the Australian Business Awards.

The award highlights the digital transformation delivered through the NHVR Portal, as well as our customer-centred approach using the AgileSwift product management methodology.

The NHVR Portal is a digital platform that supports the coordination of heavy vehicle permit processing on a national level, improving the way heavy vehicle permits are accessed, managed and issued across Australia.

The award submission highlights the NHVR’s results from the NHVR Portal, with a focus on the benefits for our customers around the processing of access permits.

The award acknowledges the reputation of the NHVR as a modern and innovative government organisation. It also recognises the hard work of everyone across the organisation, and the broader industry, who have contributed to making the Portal an efficient, effective government service which provides significant productivity improvements to the Australian heavy vehicle industry.

Now in their fifteenth year, the Australian Business Awards program provides an opportunity for high-performing organisations which implement industry-leading business initiatives and develop innovative products and services to be acknowledged and honoured for their achievements both nationally and internationally.

You can read more about the award here: https://winners.australianbusinessawards.com.au/category/2020-winners/digital-transformation-awards-2020/

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