Virtual primary producer safety days for NSW farmers


Virtual field days are becoming the new normal for NSW farmers with 75 people attending a series of safety sessions hosted by Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Councils.

The Road Ready for Harvest Virtual Field Day was also supported by Transport for NSW, NSW Farmers, the NSW Rural Fire Service and NSW Police and the NHVR.

“Unfortunately, restrictions across NSW prevented primary producers from gathering at the Forbes Saleyards this year, but we’re still able to catch up online and discuss the latest heavy vehicle safety information,” NHVR Stakeholder Engagement Officer (NSW and ACT) Tim Hansen said.

“The NHVR is asking farmers to take some time at the start of the season, or before undertaking a task to identify and reduce the risks related to the safety of the heavy vehicle transport task.

“All primary producers play an important role in the safety of heavy vehicle drivers, whether you are using your own heavy vehicle or contracting the service.

“In particular have a plan in place to manage fatigue, monitor mass and loading, ensure the mechanical safety of a heavy vehicle and secure appropriate access and permits.”

The virtual primary producer information sessions followed similar meeting in Central and South West Queensland earlier this month.

Primary producers can take advantage of the NHVR’s 9 Step SMS Roadmap which provided safety information that can be tailored for companies that are just starting out, improving on existing systems or seeking continuous improvement.

For more information on heavy vehicle safety ahead of the 2021 grain harvest go to

For more information on the NHVR’s 9 Step SMS Roadmap go to

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