Let’s put a spotlight on truck safety this National Road Safety Week


This National Road Safety Week, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group is highlighting the risks motorists can pose to heavy vehicles.

The NHVR has released dash cam footage where a car driving in a truck’s blind spot has attempted to merge too close to the truck and caused a collision. 

NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said that many heavy vehicle drivers and operators have had similar experiences of either crashes or near misses. 

“We receive reports and footage where motorists don’t give trucks enough space on the road and put everyone at risk by driving in a truck’s blind spots, along either side of a turning truck or merge in front of a truck too quickly.”

The NHVR’s ‘We Need Space’ and ‘Don’t #uck With A Truck’ campaigns aim to reduce crashes by educating motorists on how to safely share the road with heavy vehicles.

“For everyone’s safety, motorists need to understand trucks have different blind spots to cars, and driving closely behind, alongside or in front of a truck is dangerous,” Mr Petroccitto said.

“Please don’t merge suddenly in front of a truck - it takes four times longer for a truck to safely stop than a car.”

The SARAH Group’s National Road Safety Week, held from Sunday 14 May – Sunday 21 May 2023, encourages everyone to remember the lives lost and impacted by road trauma and pledge to drive without distraction, speeding or while under the influence.

SARAH Group President Peter Frazer said road crashes in Australia last year resulted in 1187 deaths, with 185 of the fatalities involving heavy vehicles.

“These are not just numbers; they are loved ones who did not return home,” Mr Frazer said.

“We must all work together to make our roads safer for everyone as every life lost, or seriously impacted due to road trauma, is one too many.”

For more information on National Road Safety Week visit https://roadsafetyweek.com.au

For more information on the NHVR’s safety campaigns visit www.nhvr.gov.au/weneedspace and www.nhvr.gov.au/dontmuckwithatruck

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