Local government priority routes


The Strategic Local Government Asset Assessment Project (SLGAAP) is focusing on the assessment of assets on key local roads to improve understanding of asset capability across the heavy vehicle network. Targeting asset assessments on priority heavy vehicle routes will provide benefits for local government and industry.


SLGAAP is taking a strategic approach to focus on delivering whole-of-journey network improvements that will result in better heavy vehicle access decision-making along routes, as opposed to individual isolated assets. With this information, road managers and local governments will be able to better manage heavy vehicle access. It will better support road freight operators to optimise their journey through better route selection at the application stage thereby streamlining the access process with better quality applications. 

SLGAAP is identifying and establishing priority heavy vehicle routes on local government roads nationally to:

  • inform asset assessments
  • contribute to seamless access across the road network
  • contribute to better decision-making.

Priority heavy vehicle routes provide a strategic link between local communities and key freight routes including local roads that support Australia’s freight task or essential access to remote communities.

By better understanding the capability of assets, allows road managers to optimise network access for heavy vehicles more confidently and consider pre-approved and gazetted routes where appropriate.

What is a priority route?

A regional access route that links towns or cities across council boundaries, or connects to key heavy vehicle networks.

Routes that handle moderate traffic volumes or heavy vehicle percentages, and are located on identified networks or receive moderate volumes of permit applications.

Routes that provide the single point of access to communities that lack alternative routes or roads to provide a relief route function during planned or unplanned incidents.

A route that links freight-dependent land uses, for example:

  • ports
  • mines
  • bulk handling facilities
  • grain receival terminals
  • industrial estates
  • intermodal rail
  • saleyards and feedlots
  • agriculture
  • depots
  • airfields


The priorities for this activity over the next twelve (12) months includes integrating the national priority heavy vehicle routes dataset into the Spatial Platform in the NHVR Portal and validating the priority heavy vehicle routes with local government road managers.

Get involved

Want to be involved in letting SLGAAP know where your priority routes are? Submit your idea and have your say.

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