Transfer a PBS Vehicle Approval
Transfer a PBS Vehicle Approval
I would like to transfer my PBS Vehicle Approval (VA). What is the process?
Complete the PBS Vehicle Approval Transfer Application form (PDF, 181KB) to request the transfer of vehicles when an existing PBS combination/s is purchased or to transfer combination/s from an existing PBS Vehicle Approval (VA) onto a new PBS VA.
Email the completed form to with the subject line ‘VA Transfer Request’.
All fields in the application form must be filled in. The request will not be processed unless the application form is complete. There is no fee associated with this request.
Please provide a copy of the existing PBS VA, if available, and confirmation of ownership – copies of invoices or registration.
The following parties are eligible to lodge a VA transfer request:
- the new owner or operator of the vehicle or an authorised representative.
- An authorised PBS Certifier.
What happens after I submit my form?
After we receive your PBS Vehicle Approval Transfer Application form, we will send you a confirmation email, typically within one business day.
If you don't receive a confirmation email within one business day, please send a follow-up email to Note that the confirmation email will be sent to the email provided on the form. If it was lodged by a PBS Certifier, please follow up with them.
A new PBS VA will be issued containing the requested VINs. The new VA will be sent to the email address provided in the transfer application form.
What are the different types of transfer requests?
Transfer of SELECT combinations from a VA
Lodge a transfer request if you have purchased select combinations from an existing VA that contains multiple combinations, and you require those specific combinations to be transferred onto a separate VA.
Transfer of ALL combinations on a VA
If you have purchased all combinations from a VA; check if the front page of the VA if it displays the previous operator name:
- If no previous operator name listed on the original VA - no action is required, the original VA is valid and can be used by the new operator/owner.
- If previous operator name is listed on the original VA – lodge a VA transfer request.
How do I remove the operator name on my PBS VA?
The operator name was formerly listed on the front page of the PBS VA. As of 14 November 2022, PBS VAs no longer display the operator name on the front page. A VA is now an authorisation to the vehicles listed in it, regardless of who owns or operates them.
For more information, please refer to Removal of operator name from PBS Vehicle Approval.
VA front page pre-14 November 2022 - Operator name listed:
VA front page post-14 November 2022 - Operator name not listed:
What are the transfer rules?
Vehicles must be transferred as a combination
The transfer application form must contain VINs that make up a complete combination. For example, for a truck and dog, at least one truck VIN and one trailer VIN must be listed.
All vehicle units must be listed on the same original VA
All vehicle units being transferred, including prime movers, trailers, dollies, etc, must be listed on the same original VA.
If you have purchased vehicle units that are listed across different VAs and wish to operate those as a combination, this cannot be done via the transfer process. Please contact an authorised PBS Certifier to arrange this.
The transfer process can only be used if all vehicle units are listed on the same original VA.
NHVR PBS contacts
- For questions about PBS Design Approvals, contact our PBS Designs team at
- For questions about PBS Vehicle Approvals, contact our PBS Vehicle Approvals team at
- For questions about access and permits to operate your PBS vehicle on the road, contact us.