PBS Vehicle Approval escalation request guide
PBS Vehicle Approval escalation request guide
My PBS Vehicle Approval (VA) application is urgent. How can I escalate my VA request?
You must have a valid reason to request expedited processing of your VA application. These reasons could include but are not limited to:
- contract start date.
- Manufacturing delays resulting in receiving the vehicle later than expected.
- Financial implications if the VA is not received promptly.
The following parties are eligible to lodge a VA escalation request:
- the operator or owner of the affected vehicles,
- an authorised PBS Certifier,
- the Design Approval holder.
Note: Only VA applications that have already been submitted to the NHVR can be requested for escalation. Check with your PBS Certifier if a VA application has been lodged with the NHVR.
- First, fill out a PBS Vehicle Approval Escalation Request form (PDF, 215KB). Provide your reasons for the escalation and any other relevant documentation as specified in the form. All fields in the form must be completed. The request will not be processed unless the form is complete. There is no fee associated with this request.
- Then email the completed form along with any relevant documentation to pbs@nhvr.gov.au. The email subject line must state ‘VA Escalation request’.
Emergency requests
If your request is an emergency, such as disruptions to communications, water, rail, power and key freight routes, due to unforeseen circumstances such as flood, fire, pandemics and extreme weather conditions, please contact our call centre at 13 NHVR* (13 64 87).
What happens after I submit my escalation request?
After we receive your PBS Vehicle Approval Escalation Request form, we will send you a confirmation email, typically within one business day, outlining whether your escalation request has been granted.
We will assess your escalation request, and if approved, you’ll receive an email confirming your 'VA Escalation Request' has been approved and your VA application will be processed as soon as possible.
If you don't receive a confirmation email within one business day, please send a follow-up email to pbs@nhvr.gov.au. Note that the confirmation email will be sent to the email provided on the escalation form.
Each escalation request is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Submitting a request does not guarantee expedited processing, as each case is assessed on its own merits.
If my Escalation Request is approved, when can I expect my VA?
If your Escalation Request is approved, you can expect your VA within two business days. This is provided that the VA application is full and complete.
If we have to request additional information from the PBS Certifier, this additional delay is outside of our control, and you should follow up with them directly.
Once completed, the VA will be sent to the party who lodged the VA application; in most cases, this is the PBS Certifier. A copy of the VA will also be sent to the Design Approval holder.
What happens after I receive my new VA?
The VA is not an authorisation to access the road network. PBS combinations must comply with the relevant Notice or may require an access permit. To apply for an access permit, please see Performance Based Standards vehicle access permit.
Note: This escalation process applies to the PBS Vehicle Approval only. If you need your access permit application escalated, please contact us. For PBS Design Approval escalations, contact the PBS Engineering team at pbsdesigns@nhvr.gov.au.
NHVR PBS contacts
- For questions about PBS Design Approvals, contact our PBS Designs team at pbsdesigns@nhvr.gov.au
- For questions about PBS Vehicle Approvals, contact our PBS Vehicle Approvals team at pbs@nhvr.gov.au
- For questions about access and permits to operate your PBS vehicle on the road, contact us.