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Coronavirus (COVID-19) response

Last Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022 - 02:30 pm

The information below is specific to the heavy vehicle industry. It is sourced from, and verified by, the relevant state or territory governments. The lead agency for COVID restrictions and testing is the relevant state’s health department, please contact them directly if you have further questions relating to restrictions.

Please follow the links provided for more detail on the specific requirements. Updates will be shared on Facebook and Twitter.

National freight guidelines

Drivers are reminded to follow relevant health protocols while travelling into any state. These may include:

  • practice social distancing where possible
  • keep a list of close contacts
  • carry and use correct PPE
  • follow your COVID-19 safe plan.

All states and territories have advised of restrictions on unvaccinated people. These vary from state to state and include some access to businesses, entertainment areas, distribution centres and ports. Mask requirements also apply, please read the linked information for more details in each jurisdiction.

COVID testing and use of RATs

Safe Work Australia and the Fair Work Ombudsman have published guidance on rapid antigen testing:

Rapid antigen testing | Safe Work Australia

COVID-19 testing and the workplace | Fair Work Ombudsman - Coronavirus

COVIDSafe plans

Safe Work Australia has information on National COVID-19 safe workplace principles and work health and safety for various industry sectors and the National COVID‑19 Coordination Commission has also developed a Small business planning tool - COVID-19.


State updates

Australian Capital Territory

Is a border pass required? No. 

More detailed information on the ACT

New South Wales

Is a border pass required? No.

More detailed information on New South Wales

Northern Territory

Is a border pass required? No.

More detailed information on the Northern Territory


Is a border pass required? No.

More detailed information on Queensland

South Australia

Is a border pass required? No.

More detailed information on South Australian


Is a border pass required? No.

More detailed information on Tasmania


Is a border pass required? No.

More detailed information on Victoria

Western Australia

Is a border pass required? No.

More detailed information on Western Australia