Operators who wish to voluntarily exit the NHVAS scheme need to complete an Exit from scheme/module(s) application. This application must be signed by a company director or the individual who holds the accreditation.
The NHVR will send you correspondence confirming your removal from the scheme.
Scheme exit requirements
- Return of certificate – Operators must return or destroy their certificate of accreditation when exiting the scheme.
- Removal of labels – Operators must ensure that all labels are removed and destroyed. It is an offence to falsely claim accreditation through use of a label or any other means. Anyone who does so may be subject to a financial penalty in addition to other sanctions.
- Vehicle inspection - After exit from Maintenance Management Accreditation operators must ensure they meet their state or territory road transport authority's vehicle inspection or Certificate of Inspection requirements before they can use any of the vehicles on a road. We recommend operators make contact with their state or territory road transport authority for advice on registration requirements.