Do I need a heavy vehicle access permit?

Use the tool below to decide if you need a heavy vehicle road access permit, or a notice, to operate on Australian roads. Select one of the buttons to answer the question. If you're not sure, click links within the question for more information.

1. Is my heavy vehicle a General Access Vehicle (GAV) or a Restricted Access Vehicle (RAV)?

Not sure of your vehicle type? First, check if you drive a General Access Vehicle (GAV) like the examples below, as these generally don't need a permit when within mass and dimension limits. 

Examples of General Access Vehicles

General Access Vehicle - 5 Axle Twinsteer Rigid 2, 3 or 4 axle Rigid Trucks and 4 or 5 Axle Twinsteer Rigid Trucks
General Access Vehicle - 6 Axle Semitrailer 3, 4, 5 or 6 Axle Semitrailers
General Access Vehicle - 4 axle truck with 4 axle dog trailer 2, 3 or 4 Axle Trucks with 2, 3 or 4 Axle Dog or Pig Trailers

Press the buttons below to select your vehicle type...


2. Can my heavy vehicle use a notice / s?

3. Am I travelling on the approved network or other roads which are NOT on the approved network?